Friday, February 8, 2013

Our Dialogue Covenant

In Room 4 we wanted to sort out how we would speak and listen to each other.  We took the school's Dialogue Covenant and looked at each part to decide what it would mean in our class.

We brainstormed lots of ideas and then in groups we looked at the brainstorms and decided on the key ideas to put under each heading.  These ideas were then presented to the rest of the class to see if they agreed.  Once we all agreed we all signed the Dialogue Covenant to show we were committed to talking and listening to each other in the right way.

Below is what we came up with.

 How Room 4 talks and listens to each other.

  1. Make it safe for everyone to share ideas, thoughts, feelings, issues
    • Make sure people feels included so they want to contribute
    • Don’t discourage people
    • Share ideas without fear of being judged

  1. Speak with respect
    • Talk to people in a nice and respectful way
    • You get what you give and give what you get
    • Be honest when you speak to others

  1. Listen to understand
    • Be still, don’t fidget and use the correct body language
    • Focus on what people are saying to make it easier to understand

  1. Listen without interrupting
    • Listen and don’t let other people distract you
    • Don’t talk while you’re listening to other people
    • If you have a question put your hand up

  1. Take time to think
    • Think before you speak, particularly about how it might affect others
    • Let other people have time to think

  1. Remain open to the ideas of others
    • Let people share their ideas and think if it would work
    • Show you are open by making eye contact
    • Look to combine other ideas and opinions

  1. Acknowledge the contributions of others
    • Praise the ideas of others
    • Give positive feedback and don’t put them down

  1. Build on the ideas of others
    • Add to ideas to make them better
    • Edit confusing statements to help the people understand the statement given (paraphrase)

  1. Promote and support effective dialogue
    • Say things that help and support people’s ideas
    • Use words that are understandable
    • Remind each other

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome, Kate's been showing us the way with talking and listening at home... Yeah right!
    Andy (Tui) Fenton
